CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2284 OF 2010 is directed against the judgment of Madras High Court passed onOctober 31, 2008 whereby a writ petition in the nature of Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by the appellant

Villagers question logic behind giving water to Delhi by submerging Himachal

Opinion divided on the use of plastic component, especially as the High Court has said there should be natural restoration

Months after the High Court called for the revival of water bodies based on a public interest litigation (PIL), the Delhi government in a meeting on Thursday approved a Rs 5-crore plan for restoring a 7.7-acre water body in Naraina.

The MCD has claimed before the Delhi High Court that out of the total 9,395 trees to be deconcretized as per court orders, work on 5,223 trees has been completed and the remaining ones would be deconcretized shortly.

In June 2005, a movement known as the

Mohamed Imranullah S.

MADURAI: The Madras High Court Bench here has issued notice to Debendranath Sarangi, Principal Secretary, Department of Environment and Forests; A.S. Balanathan, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, and M. Vallalar, Dindigul Collector, in a contempt of court petition filed against them.

Ranchi, Feb. 17: Installation of cellphone towers without permission of proper authorities has been brought under the scanner of the Jharkhand High Court.

Numerous mobile towers have been erected across the length and breadth of the city without adhering to the norms for personal gain by cellular companies has been raised in a public interest litigation filed before the high court today.

NEW DELHI: Suggesting the imposition of a "congestion fee" on private cars entering certain parts of Delhi as one way to ease the nightmarish traffic situation on city roads, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday made a decisive intervention to regulate movement of vehicles in the capital.

A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) has been filed in the Bombay High Court seeking proper rehabilitation of a King Cobra that is under the care of the Solapur Municipal Corporation (SMC). The cobra was rescued from a monk and handed over to SMC by forest department officials in 2007. Petitioner Gururaj Pore had helped the officials to rescue the cobra.

Mohamed Imranullah S.

Officials asked to clear an open drainage channel

MADURAI: The Tirunelveli Deputy Director of Health and Kadayanallur Municipal Commissioner appeared before the Madras High Court Bench here on Thursday during the hearing of a public interest litigation petition alleging unhygienic conditions leading to the death of 31 people due to a mysterious fever.
