The fifth conference on biological diversity held recently in Nairobi ended on a flat note

In India, there has been a cautious move towards handing over control of natural resources to local communities

Issues on sustainable development were discussed at a recently concluded CSD meet

The new challenges before Japan require leadership from not just the government and the corporate sector but also the civil society

NO ONE in the world would disagree that everyone should try to find ways and means to protect and improve the environment. But organisations are better equipped to do something concrete in this

Better late than never. Germany has initiated the Agenda 21 process across the country. Already nine per cent of all municipalities have plans chalked out for a sustainable future. The process is bringing about a change, worthy of note, but hard issues li

people living in the Sagar taluk of Shimoga district in Karnataka have severely opposed a government move to construct a dam to irrigate nearly 405 hectares of khariff paddy land in the

As megacities across the world boom, simple pleasures of life like fresh air and clean water have been lost. Initially, governments tried to check the damage without public interference. They failed. Today, the people are exercising their clout to

"THE first most important thing in life is people. The second most important thing is people and the third most important thing is also people," - this aptly sums up the focus of this

Misguided conservation efforts are leading to depletion of biodiversity and exploitation of poor people
