City doctors have reported a spurt in dengue and malaria cases this month and attribute it to the fluctuating temperature and the intermittent rains.

PUNE: The city reported 10 cases of viral hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, so far this month, states the latest report of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC).

Pune: It is common knowledge that the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has failed to fully execute the 1987 Development Plan (DP) in the past 25 years.

Pune: The Development Plan (DP) for the old city areas has insisted on the formulation of a long-term strategy to tackle water supply-related problems.

‘Less Than 25% Solid Waste Generated In Country Treated Scientifically’

Pune: Deputy chairman of Planning Commission Montek Singh Ahluwalia said on Monday that state governments need to implement the Municipal Solid Waste Rules of 2002 more effectively.

New Delhi: Are mothers to be blamed for high prevalence of obesity among their offspring?

PUNE: All government and private hospitals are now required to keep a display board of the sex ratio at birth, based on the number of deliveries of boys and girls taking place on their premises.

PUNE: The city continues to bear the brunt of mosquito-borne infections with as many as 95 dengue and 44 malaria cases being recorded between January 1 and May 26, this year.

About 62% of metropolitans in the high-income-group bracket buy organic, an increase of 95% in the last five years.

PUNE: The civic administration has taken a much-needed step towards making citizens accountable for every drop of water they consume and also to measure its loss through leakages.
