The rise in the number of dengue cases across the district due to the favourable conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes has become a cause of concern not only for local residents but also for th

Tightening the noose around those using pressure horns, the Punjab Pollution Control Board has presented a proposal to completely ban the use of pressure horns, which create nuisance and add to noi

Misuse of antibiotics in poultry farms is leading to a proliferation of multi-drug resistant bacteria.

The district administration has asked the Health Department to take action against private hospitals if they fail to report the cases of swine flu, dengue, malaria and chikungunya.

Despite the industrial town being counted amongst the most polluted cities in the country, the district authorities seem to be indifferent towards improving the environment in the city.

Those attending to patients & sanitation staff who are at risk to get priority

Chandigarh: To find solutions for improving public transport and address the problem of ever-increasing traffic in Chandigarh, the ministry of housing and urban affairs is getting a survey conducte

The Punjab cabinet today constituted a sub-committee to consider and work out the modalities for the closure of the state-owned thermal plants in view of the CEA guidelines to retire non-viable The

In Punjab only 45 lakh tonnes of paddy straw including nearly 25 lakh tonnes of Basmati rice crop, which is used to make fodder, is being managed currently and remaining 152 Lakh tonnes paddy straw

Five persons suspected of suffering from disease died in a week
