First hand account from a researcher who visited the drought hit regions

drought and an acute shortage of

For British historians and administrators, Indian villages were self-sustaining units and they termed these units as village republics. Later, this terminology was done away with by historians and

parts of Rajasthan are in the grip of a severe drought and the situation may worsen further. Over 2.5 crore people and 3.5 crore animals have already been affected. According to a report

Scientists in Rajasthan try to revive ancient paleo channels to solve the state s water crisis

A Rajasthan village has developed an ingenious rainwater harvesting system that has regenerated degraded pastures

keoladeo national park in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, is fast losing its population of rare birds due to unchecked human habitation. The human population around the forest has registered a 24 per cent

Economic growth and development are destroying Rajasthan's unique forest based religious system

In Jaduguda and Rawatbhata, physical deformities are a way of life. The reality behind the shadows of India s nuclear establishment

fluorosis a crippling disease caused by excess fluoride in water, is fast becoming a scourge in Rajasthan where about 50 per cent of the villages face the problem. Excess fluoride content in the
