Madhya Pradesh has registered its opposition with Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal for neglecting interest of the State in benefits from Narmada river water share among partner States.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Water Level of Major Reservoirs, 04/07/2019. Central Water Commission (CWC) monitors the live storage status of 91 reservoirs of the country on weekly basis and issues weekly bulletin on every Thursday.

Small freshwater fish around Africa offer a large and underrecognized opportunity to boost food and nutrition security, according to a new FAO working paper investigating an array of species and related livelihoods that too often are undervalued.

Small reservoirs are a critical coping mechanism in water-stressed rural areas in Africa, providing immense livelihood benefits that include improved food and water security, entrepreneurial activities and climate resilience.

Infrastructure development and other human-made changes are the leading contributors to connectivity loss in global rivers, resulting in disrupted ecosystem services, claimed researchers.

The present study outlines major concerns and potential environmental consequences of the proposed Pancheshwar high dam in Uttarakhand (Central Himalaya), India.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of The State of Rajasthan Vs State of Punjab & Others dated 12/04/2019 regarding physical possession of irrigation headworks at Ropar, Harike and Firozepur under Bhakra Beas Management Board (BBMB).

Kenya is prioritizing the construction of reservoirs in order to reverse water scarcity, officials said on Wednesday.

Built atop the bones of the dead, Trapaing Thmar reservoir is largest irrigation project built by the Khmer Rouge regime.

Water level in 91 major reservoirs of the country that account for nearly 63% storage capacity in the country is above 10 year average.
