DIBRUGARH: The Assam State Electricity Board(ASEB), under its much hyped Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification project(RREP) has provided power connection to 75 below poverty line (BPL) beneficiaries

Distribution reforms in power sector should be accelerated for capacity addition to yield results.

JEYPORE: Rural electrification works are in full swing in Jeypore block. Call it ignorance of the election Code of Conduct or a deliberate act, these works are somewhere aimed at fetching votes.

The choice between centralized and decentralized electricity generation is examined for 150 countries as a function of population distribution, electricity consumption, transmission cost, and the cost difference between decentralized and centralized electricity generation. A network algorithm is developed to find the shortest centralized transmission network that spans a given fraction of the population in a country. The least-cost combination of centralized and decentralized electricity that serves the country is determined.

Gosaba, Jan.

Around 3000 homes in 49 villages of Sindh Province have been energised so far through use of solar energy under Rural Electrification Programme.

BHUBANESWAR: Worried over the recurring incidence of electrocution, the State Government has decided to replace single and double poles with elephant-friendly electricity structures in districts wh

All families in the Kalutara district will be provided with electricity by the end of this year.

Agartala: Tripura will electrify all hamlets that have less than 100 habitants by 2013 as these settlements are not covered by the central government’s rural electrification programme, a minister said here on Monday.

“The state government has asked the Tripura State Electricity Corporation Limited to identify those habitats soon,” Power Minister Manik Dey told reporters here.

KOLKATA, 16 JAN: In spite of the allegations of non-performance and corruption in Trinamul Congress-led Zilla Parishad, Trinamul Congress leaders are not worried.
