At least 10 lakh houses in rural areas of the country have come under solar energy, official sources said.

West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd plans to bring 15 lakh rural families in the below poverty line (BPL) category under the electricity map this fiscal.

A carefully-crafted mission can bring cooking fuel and electricity to the deprived households in the hinterland

This report documents good practices and lessons learned in addressing energy poverty and expanding energy services for the poor. It draws from the experiences of 17 energy access programmes and projects in the Asia-Pacific region.

The case study analyzes the lessons learnt from ground realities on implementation of solar energy systems in rural India. This is an excellent case of making policy-practice connect viable. Off Grid Energy Solutions are viable in remote corners of country with community ownership harvesting the benefits to the maximum extent.

Says Flow In Chinese Local Currency Will Boost Funding In 12th 5-Year Plan

Kolkata, 25 Aug: The West Bengal government today said it has invited an expression of interest from private sector companies to partner West Bengal Green Energy Development Corporation for impleme

Students in some rural areas of Karnataka used to literally burn oil, with no electricity at home. No longer. They can carry a few watts from school.

BHUBANESWAR: The State Government has decided to electrify 1,900 villages with alternative energy sources through the Orissa Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA).

NERCORMP is involved in capacity building of communities and participating agencies, in generating livelihood activities by focusing on organic agriculture, sustainable shifting cultivation, livestock and fisheries, forestry, NTFP, medicinal and aromatic plants.
