the film title Harvesting Hunger chills one to the bones and the film itself is a despondent tale of the agricultural scenario in the country. "It is apprehended that millions may go hungry in

They did the impossible on land that held no hope

Pressmud, a byproduct of the sugar industry, is a potential source of soil nutrients and wax

Indigenous technology to produce biofertiliser and protein-rich animal feed from maize waste has

The introduction of high-yielding varieties of seeds and the increase in cropping intensity has resulted in a significant rise in the extent of phosphorus removal by crops. Fertiliser phosphorus is,

The Green Revolution and use of high-yielding varieties has led to depletion of vital micronutrients

P N TAKKAR former director of the Indian Institute of Soil Science, Bhopal, and currently principal scientist at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, has been working on micro and secondary nutrients in soil and plant nutrition for the p

there is no clear definition of a good soil nor is there an index to measure the quality of such soil. Researchers in the us now claim that fractal geometry may provide an answer. The

Bacteria can be used to clean soil effectively if they are protected from protozoans, their predator

Heavy metals and organic chemicals that stick to particles of soil could get released into the groundwater. A new procedure developed by Paul Bertsch of the University of Georgia, US, aims at
