The World Bank on Wednesday (27) approved a concessionary loan of US$ 200 million, at an interest rate of 1.25 percent, to Sri Lanka for the Health Sector Development Project to help the government

The World Bank approved yesterday a concessionary loan of US $ 200 million to Sri Lanka for the Second Health Sector Development Project (SHSDP) to help the Sri Lankan government to upgrade the sta

Around 90,000 people are living with tuberculosis in the country, and around 5,000 of them die of the disease every year, Nepali health officials said today as World TB Day is commemorated across t

More and more people in the age group of 17-40 were being diagnosed with tuberculosis, said Madan Gopal, Principal Secretary of the Department of Health and Family Welfare, on Sunday.

The Delhi Government launched three new schemes on Sunday in an attempt to achieve zero deaths from tuberculosis in the Capital. Minister of Health and Family Welfare A.K.

India may have achieved a success rate of 88 per cent in treatment of tuberculosis — higher than the global treatment success rate of 85 per cent — but HIV-TB co-infection continues to be a cause o

Health experts have said that prevention of tuberculosis is still a big challenge in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as the number of patients has increased during the last one year in the province.

Nearly 13,000 Tuberculosis (TB) patients were detected per year in the country but a majority of them were reluctant to take the prescribed doses of medicine, Director General of Health Services Dr

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria said on Monday that strains of tuberculosis with resistance to multiple drugs could spread widely. The International health agencies also highlighted an annual need of at least US$ 1.6 billion in international funding for treatment and prevention of the disease.

The WHO said that if fully funded, by 2016 over 90% of TB patients estimated to have MDR-TB will be detected and provided treatment in seven high-MDR-TB burden countries including India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Philippines, Ukraine and South Africa.

KANPUR: During the national seminar named PACT Vision-2013 at the campus of HBTI, GN Tewari, alumnus of HBTI, informed that the solvent-based paints pollute the environment while the water-based pa
