In the beginning of the 20th century, the Earth was home to some 1.6 billion people. Towards the end of the century, more than six billion people crowd our planet. This year, international

TESTS carried out by France and Switzerland have not found any presence of vx, a poison gas on Iraqi warheads. These findings are contrary to those of the US, which had shown presence of the deadly

Programmes providing small loans are not effective for reducing poverty, stated a report published by the United Nations Department for Economics and Social Affairs. The micro credit concept has

Australia vetoes UN declaration granting indigenous people the right to "self determination"

The International Seabed Authority (ISA), the United Nations' agency responsible for administering the Law of Sea Treaty, has started discussions on a code to govern the recovery of minerals from the

Serious diseases have been reported in remote villages of northern Afghanistan, which were severely damaged by a recent earthquake. The United Nations and Red Cross have evacuated 102 of the most

The world's leading environmental thinkers drawn from government, business and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have created a blueprint for future joint action to foster global environmental

fresh water supply is gradually becoming a matter of serious concern, says a report of the United Nations ( un ).

The United Nations (UN) Compensation Commis

Africa remains a major supplier of cannabis and cannabis resin to rapi-dly-growing domestic markets and to Europe and North America, despite some eradication efforts and significant seizures in some
