National constitutions have rarely established environmental rights as human rights, but an increasing number recognise the right to a healthy environment and have provisions directed at environmental protection:
AS THE United Nations labours to clear the mess it has been accused of creating in providing refugee relief in Somalia and in the elections and peace process in Angola, World Health
LEADERS of developing countries today find in environment a cause of great worldwide concern -- a concern that is steadily growing in their own countries and one that already has deep roots in the
CORAL reefs in various parts of the world are getting bleached and scientists are debating whether this is an early warning of global warming, or simply a local warming of sea waters. Tom Goreau
The NISGA: are fighting with the British Columbian government to be recognised as a community. They came to Rio to "tell the world about their problems"
Helping George Bush gain political mileage seemed to be the overriding concern at the recent climate convention negotiations in New York. India stood alone on the issue of apportioning global sinks