Dunu Roy director of the Hazards Centre has been locked in combat with some vocal representatives of resident welfare associations (RWAs) over their right to shape plans for Delhi's future. The clash has taken place in cyberspace, with furious emails flying back and forth following the Delhi state government's proposal to give RWAs the right to be consulted on plans, suggest modifications and perhaps even veto those plans that they find inconvenient. April 2008

Zarqa City faces a major problem in its urban planning and design. Four main obstacles surround the city. From the north the location of heavy industry such as the Jordanian Refinery, the thermal plant for producing electricity and the purification unit to treat the wastes of the capital Amman and Zarqa are situated.

In the last three years, the city engineer's office of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) sanctioned a mind-boggling 15.69 crore sq ft for development in the city.

Keeping up its reputation of beating deadlines, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has completed construction work on its brand new railway bridge across the Yamuna in a record time of 26 months.

A long time ago, visionaries such as M Vishveshwaraya, K Sheshadri Iyer, Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, and Mirza Ismail emphasised the importance of trees, parks and green recreational spaces beyond thei

Housing for the poor and urban development is one of key areas of focus in Budget 2008-09 with urban development accounting for about 13% of the total Budget outlay.

Complex includes a host of features; 4 per cent work already completed

Planning Commission recommends Rs 10,000 crore

Despite expectations, the only major sops in the state budget for Mumbaiites is an increased FSI in the suburbs and the announcement that all the corridors of the Mumbai Metro rail project would be up
