Because of its political importance in the British empire, Calcutta was one of the first cities to regulate smoke emissions. But legislation failed to keep up with technology and today, the city is one of the most polluted in the world.

CALCUTTA maidan -- at 294-ha, the largest public ground in the teeming metropolis, is in danger of being developed as commercial property by the Indian army. The maidan belongs to the army's eastern

INDIA has been witnessing an explosive urbanisation. The percentage of total population living in urban areas increased from 17.3 in 1951 to 25.7 in 1991. But during 1981-91, the annual rate of urban

Dinesh studied upto standard two and then quit, He grazes cattle and prepares food for his father who is a stone cutter. Dinesh also looks after his younger brother and makes sure he does not fall into a welt. His mother is a farm labourer. In Marc

Gramashrama, a children based organisation in Karnataka, is trying to understand the causes of migration and prevent the exodus of youngsters from villages to cities.

Indian scientists have classified levels of atmospheric pollution using lichens.

Lichens as pollution monitors Pollution Zone I Pollution Zone II Pollution Zone II Pollution Zone II Lecidea

Wildlife conservationists and social ecologists are sharply divided despite common goals

An international study released recently has claimed that foul air is killing up to 80 people a day in Delhi. Strangely though, the city's government rather than controlling vehicles plying on the road, or looking at a long term solution, seems to be choosing roads over trees. Anjilee Istwal reports.

Low-carbon, high-density, mixed land use - Delhi gets set to experiment with its new housing model called Transit Oriented Development. Does it have the potential to uplift the quality of life in the capital? Experts give us the thumbs up or down? Find out.
