In developing strategies to control malaria vectors, there is increased interest in biological methods that do not cause instant vector mortality, but have sublethal and lethal effects at different ages and stages in the mosquito life cycle.

Insecticide-treated hammocks could cut malaria rates in remaining pockets of high transmission in the forests of South-East Asia, researchers say. Hammocks made from nylon, ropes and an insecticide-treated bednet were given to 7,000 people in Ninh Thuan province in central Vietnam.

Sept. 15: The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation

New Delhi: Researchers in Malaysia have confirmed infections among humans with the Plasmodium knowlesi strain of malaria, which till now was believed to only infect monkeys, in particular the long-tailed and pig-tailed macaques.

Research conducted in the Gambia has shown that screening houses against mosquitoes helps reduce childhood malaria infection, death rates and anaemia. The report, published in The Lancet, found that screening windows and doors with netting, and closing eaves or installing net ceilings could reduce entry of malaria vectors into houses in an area of seasonal malaria transmission.

In search for sustainable intervention, the advent of pre-treated mosquito nets with insecticide, popularly known as long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) that would obviate the hassles of treatment and re-treatment, is viewed as a breakthrough in malaria prevention.

Darshana Chaturvedi | TNN

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A vaccine that targets the malaria parasite at a vulnerable point in its development could form part of a strategy to eradicate the disease.

Cure from Cuba: Two Cuban epidemiologists arrived in Sri Lanka to help the government combat a dengue epidemic. Cuba has been controlling dengue with Bacillus Thuringensis Israelensis bacteria that kills the larvae of the mosquitoes that spread dengue. The epidemiologists will help set up a framework to control mosquito breeding before the government imports the bacteria from Cuba.

The best price for getting anti-mosquito bed nets to the poor proves to be "free".
