Avian malaria also responsible for decline in vulture numbers diclofenac poisoning may not be the sole cause for the drastic decline of vulture populations in central and south India. A two-year long study says avian malaria had a part to play as well. The population of the Indian white-backed vulture (Gyps bengalensis) suffered a decline of over 95 per cent between 1988 and 1999,

AHMEDABAD : Environmentalists are fighting to save the nesting grounds of the already endangered vultures in Kadi, Mehsana district. Kadi nagarpalika is planning to construct a swanky shopping complex which requires felling 21 neem trees which are a favourite nesting place for vultures in Sardar Baugh, allege nature lovers.

An international project undertaken the rangers of the Jim Corbett National Park have found an increase in the vulture population.

The report assumes significance in view of the growing concern that vultures may soon be extinct.

The populations of three species of Gyps vultures have shown a decline of more than 95% between 1988 and 1999 in the Indian subcontinent and are now classified as

SIPAHEEJALA (TRIPURA): A vulture has been spotted in Tripura after a gap of ten years. The bird was sighted during an animal census in Sipaheejala sanctuary, wildlife warden Nirad B Debnath said. "It was a matter of immense joy that a vulture was sighted by forest officials in this sanctuary recently especially at a time when the population of the bird has declined considerably in the country.

Satna: The population of one of nature's strongest scavenger --'vultures' -- is dwindling in Gidhhkoot mountain of Madhya Pradesh's Satna district in an alarming rate.

The reason of this steep fall of the rare specie is contaminated meat.

An extensive survey was carried out to locate breeding colonies and nests of vultures in Rajasthan. A total of 5,080 vultures of 7 different species were counted in 23 districts of Rajasthan.

The declining vulture population in Madhya Pradesh has raised concerns from an unusual quarter

Nephron vulture, believed to be extinct, among three species found
Nearly 200 vultures fed on buffaloes carcasses
Vulture population in forests picking up

LONE RANGER: A White-Backed vulture in the Thengumarahada forest area in Sathyamangalam.

Chandigarh: Despite a ban, the use of diclofenac, a pain relief anti-inflammatory livestock treatment, has been something bothering environmentalists the world over. The Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre near here will soon make use of a sophisticated machine that has been designed to detect any traces of banned livestock drug diclofenac in cattle carcasses fed to vultures in captivity.
