Liu Huaiyu raises more than 200 pigs in her farmyard, which houses one of the largest piggeries in her village, and the prodigious amount of manure they generate every day never bothers her.

For squeaky-clean Singapore, even the local dump is an eco-park with lush green walking trails and migratory birds.

That is because Singapore buries only a fraction of its trash.

Whisky, forestry and household by-products will be turned into biofuels thanks to new funding awarded today by the Department for Transport.

To mitigate this, the government has taken a decision to set up pipelines which would deliver upto 20 TMC water from the dam for the city and its periphery in rural areas.

Palestinian villagers living in desolate, off-grid areas in the West Bank have begun using Israeli-made biogas generators that supply free, clean energy by gobbling up organic waste.

Clean development mechanism (CDM) was included in the Kyoto protocol to support sustainable development in developing countries through technology transfer from developed countries along with the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. More than 1000 projects which were registered under CDM from India in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have been reviewed. Through a CDM project, India as a developing country has enhanced the development of renewable energy projects with financial support through the sale of carbon credit.

Assurance of quality energy is the most important input for development. Though India is the fifth largest producer of electricity globally, it remains a power-deficit state. It is poorly endowed with traditional fuel resources such as hydrocarbons, but blessed reasonably with renewable energy sources. Every step in harnessing them will make India energy self-sufficient. An attempt is made in this article to illustrate the initiatives of Karnataka State Women’s University to reduce load on national grid.

Carbon markets are considered a key policy tool to achieve cost-effective climate mitigation1, 2. Project-based carbon market mechanisms allow private sector entities to earn tradable emissions reduction credits from mitigation projects. The environmental integrity of project-based mechanisms has been subject to controversial debate and extensive research1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in particular for projects abating industrial waste gases with a high global warming potential (GWP).

The Swachh Bharat rankings released by the Union urban development ministry on Saturday has placed Kolhapur at 158th position among 479 class I cities in the country.

The state government has formulated the first comprehensive policy on renewable energy and has aimed to produce 14,400 megawatt (MW) power through non-conventional sources.
