The Shanghai Tower is another in a long list of ambitious skyscrapers competing fiercely for sustainability credentials as well as height.

The National Green Tribunal has directed the Delhi government and other agencies to prepare a comprehensive report on whether government buildings, bridges and flyovers have installed rain water ha

The Delhi government’s first-of-its-kind “conserve and use” Palla floodplain water harvesting project was lauded by a delegation of water experts and technologists from South Australian Water, a go

LUDHIANA: Scientists at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (Gadvasu) have earned a competitive research project, "Towards climate resilient livestock production system in Punj

The frequent and severe cases of waterlogging in Delhi have prompted Tapas, an NGO, to move National Green Tribunal (NGT), asking for directions to the agencies concerned on rainwater harvesting (R

NDORE: The proposed new IT Park on Khandwa road will be developed as an environment friendly green building.

Getting clean water to communities in parched areas of the planet remains an ongoing challenge. Recent developments that harvest water from air have been proposed as a solution.

Pollution & Civic Agencies To Reply By Aug 17

The bill seeks to amend the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage (Amendment) Bill, 2016, for this purpose.

Water resources management is an important part in farming system development. Agriculture in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh is predominantly rainfed with an average 2210 mm monsoonal rain, but rainfall during dry winter period (December–February) is inadequate for winter crop production. The natural soil water content (as low as 7 %) of hillslope and hilltop during the dry season is not suitable for shallow-rooted crop cultivation. A study was conducted to investigate the potential of monsoonal rainwater harvesting and its impact on local cropping system development.
