Water resources are vital to all human activities from basic survival to the most complex industrial production. In recent years, a broad set of national and international water issues has begun to receive significant attention. This paper provides a snapshot of current global water issues, assesses the water-related risks and opportunities most relevant for the private sector, and describes the general kinds of activities the business community could and should be taking to address them.

This article looks at the emerging policy context on irrigation and drinking water supply in Jharkhand, the position of water rights in state legislation, the importance of water user groups, the critical issues of access to water for both the rural and the urban poor and the legal implications.

Delhi s long overdue water price hike

The Bangladesh government is formulating a new law to protect rivers, canals and other water bodies and flood-flow zones from encroachment. This law would be crucial because an existing law to

To tide over acute water crisis in the Punjab province of Pakistan, members of parliament of the ruling coalition of Punjab have asked the government to buy water from India. They have also demanded

Lately, water issues have dominated Australian politics as the country faces its worst-ever drought in 100 years. Policymakers are now pinning their hopes on a series of measures, including a

The World Social Forum WSF concluded in Mumbai. Then began the World Economic Forum in Davos. A little before these, a glitzy automobile fair in Delhi. One after the other, loud and strident

What about privatising water? Should India move to do it? What tips the scales in its favour, and what doesn t? In 2003, two editorials in Down To Earth tried to tackle such questions see:

This is a work of encyclopaedic scope. The subjects it deals with range from an in depth study of the treatment of water in the Indian Constitution to an examination of the degree of success of different treaties on the sharing of waters between countries

Last fortnight I wrote about the different models of water privatisation. Questions continue to haunt me, but let me try and work towards some resolution. Firstly, there is the issue of pricing of
