"Ma Ganga aur Benares se mera rishta purana hai," BJP prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi said, pledging his intent to restore the Ganga to its original glory while campaigning in Varanasi.

City managers have finally decided to stop talking and start cleaning the polluted waters of the natural streams of Islamabad - and do that the natural way.

Germany will almost double the funding to clean waters in the polluted Spree River that flow past Chancellor Angela Merkel’s office.

China has included an amendment to the Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution in its future lawmaking plan, according to a senior legislative official.

The National Green Tribunal on Tuesday ordered the inspection of nearly 1,000 industries in UP for polluting the Ganga by releasing untreated effluents into its waters.

The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has nearly covered the total 18km stretch of Pili River by the end of fourth day of its Nag-Pili rivers cleaning campaign.

Maintaining the enthusiasm shown during last year's Save Nag River campaign, Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) kicked-off its Nag-Pili rivers cleaning campaign from the origin of Pili river at Gor

There are 764 grossly polluting industries in the five States on the main stem of the Ganga and its tributaries which are marring the water quality in the rivers, the Centre and its Ministry of Env

A campaign of cleaning the Dhobikhola stream has begun from Saturday in connection with the ongoing programme of cleaning the different rivers and streams in the Kathmandu Valley.

The state government has submitted an affidavit to the Supreme Court that raps the Sree Padmanabhaswamy authorities for their failure to evict the encroachers at the Pathrakulam inside the complex
