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Nitrogen is an important nutrient in domestic and industrial wastewater and its elevated concentration in the wetland promotes explosive growth of algae. The decomposition of the algae leads to an excessive growth of bacteria, utilizing and dissolved oxygen from water. This process of rapid algal growth leading to oxygen-starved waters is known as eutrophication.

More than 130 cities in northern Italy, including Milan and Verona, banned car traffic for several hours on the last Sunday of February. In Milan, the ban was for two consecutive Sundays.

Scientists recently presented fresh evidence of the possibility of water having once flowed on Mars. A nasa spacecraft currently orbiting Mars has captured photographs that depict equatorial ridges

Book>> the kuhls of kangra

Iraq's beleaguered people have an unlikely ally in the search engine Google. Its online satellite map, Google Earth, is being used to help people survive violence in Baghdad. As sectarian strife

the 33rd National Games, which ended on February 18 in Guwahati, Assam, has once again brought into focus the plight of Deepar beel, a degraded wetland. It was the venue for the rowing competitions

Lawsuit over CO2 cap The Slovak government has decided to file a lawsuit against the European Commission (EC) over its demand that Slovakia cut its annual carbon dioxide emissions from 2008-2012.

rajasthan's Barmer district administration is on a drive to shut down all erring textile colouring and printing units in Balotara area since February 1, 2007. The step comes a year too late. The

a month-and-a-half after a pipeline carrying radioactive waste burst in Jharkhand's East Singhbhum district, the government is yet to investigate into its cause and impact. On December 24, 2006, a

The textile sector has a high water demand. Its biggest impact on the environment is related to primary water consumption (80
