Agency Installs Meters To Monitor Water Supply From Aluva Plant

The permanent water flow meters installed at Aluva water treatment plant to monitor the quantity of water supplied to the city is likely to become operational next week.

नगर विकास मंत्री आजम खां शहरों में घरों में वाटर मीटर लगाए जाने के पक्ष में नहीं हैं। केंद्र की जवाहर लाल नेहरू नेशनल अर्बन रिन्यूवल मिशन (जेएनएनयूआरएम) के तहत मीटरिंग अर्बन रिफार्म का अहम हिस्सा

Government of Himachal Pradesh notified the state water policy during the year 2005. Rapid increase in demand for water due to population growth, urbanization, industrialization, changing life style and climate change have resulted in increased pressure on water resources.

The National Green Tribunal on Tuesday set up a committee to draft an extensive plan to deal with illegal extraction of groundwater in Delhi.

The bench also directed that meters be fixed wherever tubewells are operating, for measuring usage of groundwater and asked the committee to fix a charge that groundwater consumers would be liable to pay.

Industries and commercial establishments in and around the city should brace for a steep hike in drinking water tariff as the Hyderabad Water Board has proposed a 100 per cent hike.

कानपुर, मेरठ, आगरा समेत सात शहरों में भूजल नीति सख्ती से लागू हो गई है। प्राइवेट बोरिंग पर रोक लगा दी गई है। इन शहरों में हर घर में मैकेनिकल मीटर के स्थान पर एएमआर (ऑटो मीटर रीडिंग) मीटर लगाए जाएंगे।

यदि शासन स्तर से शीघ्र घोषित की जाने वाली तिथि में कोई उपभोक्ता मीटर नहीं लगवाएगा तो उससे जुर्माने के रूप में 540 रुपये प्रति मीटर वसूले जाएंगे। 1 प्रमुख सचिव नगर विकास सीबी पालीवाल ने नगर विकास मंत्री की ओर से सभी नगर आयुक्त को इस संबंध में आदेश भेजा है।

Residents of Carleston Nest, a 10-flat apartment on Lloyd Road, Cox Town, got a shock after their water bill for July shot up 171 per cent.

Reason: The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) had quietly issued a government notification on June 13, 2013, increasing water and sanitation charges for bulk consumers, including residents of high-rises, multi-storey buildings, villas and government housing complexes.

This advisory on tariff structure for urban water supply and sewerage services is an effort to provide guidance to states and cities in adopting suitable water/sewerage tariff so as to recover 100% cost to meet at least O&M requirements to begin with. This will improve the service delivery to the customers in water and sewerage sector.

Govt To Soon Release Code For Green Structures

After dangling a carrot in front of developers and citizens to promote environment-friendly buildings, the state government seems to have yanked it away for now.

New Delhi : The Centre on Monday unveiled the draft of its contentious National Water Framework Bill which seeks to provide “right to water”, while stating that water allocation and pricing should
