Thousands living in Canadian indigenous communities have had no access to potable water, some for decades, and Human Rights Watch on Tuesday pressed Ottawa to finally deal with this "water crisis."

Some samples found unsuitable even for irrigation purposes

The projected cost to repair infrastructure after the city of Flint, Michigan’s two-year water contamination crisis is several magnitudes higher than what has been allocated to fix it, a new state

Phosphorus is the biggest cause of water quality degradation worldwide, causing 'dead zones', toxic algal blooms, a loss of biodiversity and increased health risks for the plants, animals and human

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Manoj Mishra Vs. Union of India & Others dated 06/06/2016 regarding cleaning up of river Yamuna. In the Order Tribunal observes that the water of Yamuna is highly contaminated and polluted which contain acidic, heavy metals and other high pollutants which are very injurious to human health. It cannot be treated as source of irrigation for agricultural purposes. If it is permitted, it will become part of food chain which will reach to human being causing various diseases.

Water samples were collected from around 37 locations under the National Water Quality Monitoring (NWQM) programme.

Municipal water in Flint, Michigan, has improved significantly and is suitable for personal cleanliness uses, scientists said on Tuesday in an attempt to calm fears raised by actor Mark Ruffalo and

UN hopes $1bn operation will boost employment and drive development among Ogoniland communities devastated by contamination from spills

The guidelines on ‘Integrated Water Resources Development and Management’ were prepared in BPMO, CWC under strategy V.4 of National Water Mission in March 2010 and were circulated within CWC for comments.

Dodoma — The government has increased its water and irrigation budget by 91 per cent to Sh979.5 billion in the 2016/17 financial year.
