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Residents of Maikona in Marsabit county are counting losses after 37 camels died after drinking contaminated water.

Harare's main water supply dam, Lake Chivero, is now left with water to last only 18 months largely due to siltation, droughts and algae, which has also affected water quality.

Green Party President Peter Sinkamba has attributed the provision of poor quality of water by water utilities countrywide to poor regulatory and institutional framework arising from Government’s fa

MARIMANTI, Kenya, Jan 4 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Stooped over knee-high rows of green gram plants at her farm in eastern Kenya, Grace Kaari hums to herself as she slices out weeds with a blun

This project, entitled “Assessment of Climate-Induced Long-term Water Availability in the Ganges Basin and the Impacts on Energy Security in South Asia”, is funded by the Asian-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).

The FAO Land and Water Division launched new Guidelines for a minimum methodological standard for global reporting on how to incorporate environmental flows into SDG “water stress” indicator 6.4.2.

Water supply and sanitation (WSS) utilities are expected to become increasingly susceptible to the expected impacts of climate change. WSS utility planners and engineers have dealt with natural climate variances and disaster planning as part of the design process for many years.

THE Ministry of Water is set to embark on a special two year strategy that aims at ending water woes across the country.

This World Bank Study provides a basic diagnostic of access to safe water and sanitation in Uganda and their relationship with poverty. The analysis relies on a series of nationally representative household surveys for the period 2002–13, as well as on qualitative data collection.

Its a single measurable Index to map progress of States & UTs towards 2030 SDGs. The NITI Aayog has released the Baseline Report of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) India Index, which comprehensively documents the progress made by India's States and Union Territories towards implementing the 2030 SDG targets.
