The Dal lake is shrinking. It s waters are weed ridden. Untreated waste finds its way into the water. People continue to build land on the lake area. An ambitious project to save the lake was launched in 1997, but hardly any headway has been made

The colony that has mushroomed upon the Dal Lake is the only slum on water in Srinagar. A byproduct of the proxy war between India and Pakistan, it threatens to kill the lake

Call them the lakers . Some 10,000 of them. Parts of the Dal land and water belong to them. And when they feel the need to make a floating garden or land on the lake, they simply do it. Especially since the militancy problem in the Valley began, there

Morning in Dal: commotion behind the scenes

An ingenious and indigenous way of cultivation

... and sewage a strong political will is needed to get rid of them?

A tiny "hazardous' insect, weevil, considered a major threat to horticulture and floriculture sectors, is being successfully used to clear the weeds from Harke reserve lake in Amritsar. Ram Kishan,

There s a dark side to biological weed control as the attack on non target plant species by the Eurasian weevil in North America shows

Electricity can be generated from a creeper plant, as an experiment in Madhya Pradesh has demonstrated

The weed Lantana camara is being used to make furniture and can give the economy a boost
