Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Number of lions in the country, 07/12/2015. The census of all wild animals is not undertaken in the country. However census of tiger is undertaken at the national level once every four years and census of a few other major flagship species is undertaken at the State-level by the respective State/Union Territory governments. As per the latest census, the estimated population of tiger, elephant, lion and rhinoceros as received from the States is given in the Annexure.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Level of pollution in rivers, 07/12/2015. The Water Resources Information System (WRIS) database developed by Central Water Commission alongwith Indian Space Research Organisation includes 15615 numbers of identified rivers/streams in the country. The basin-wise number of rivers/streams identified are at Annexure-I. Discharge of untreated and partially treated sewage from cities / towns and industrial effluents constitute a major source of pollution in rivers.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Incidents of illegal sand mining, 07/12/2015. Sand is a minor mineral. State Governments regulate grant of mining leases and other concessions in respect of all minor minerals including Sand.The enforcement of sand mining leases, controlling and abating illegal sand mining is largely vested with the State Governments. The Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM) reports on the incidents of illegal mining. However, no data is maintained separately for sand mining.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Forest clearances for mining projects, 07/12/2015. The Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has received 518 proposals, involving forest area more than 40 ha, seeking prior approval of the Central Government under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 including coal and iron ore mining projects. Out of total, 423 proposals have been approved by the Central Government under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 while 40 proposals have been rejected by the Central Government.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on electrification of villages, 07/12/2015. Government of India has decided to electrify all unelectrified villages of the country by 01st May, 2018. There are 18452 villages left for electrification as on 01.4.2015 in 19 States as given in Annex.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Controling poaching of wild animals, 07/12/2015. The National Tiger Conservation Authority has come out with certain innovative mechanisms such as installation of e-Eye surveillance and use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV or Drones) which are going to act as a deterrent against poaching and other illicit activities. Details of tiger mortality (due to confirmed poaching, as reported by the States) during last two years, State-wise, is at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Water-Borne Diseases, 04/12/2015. Consumption of contaminated drinking water can cause diseases such as Cholera, Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases, Enteric Fever (Typhoid), Viral Hepatitis etc. As per the data reported by Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), State/UT- wise number of cases and deaths due

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Vector-Borne Diseases, 04/12/2015. The statements showing state-wise cases and deaths due to Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Japanese Encephalitis, Kala-azar and Filariasis reported by the States/UTs for the last three years are enclosed at Annexure-I to VI.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on problem of recurring drought situation in the country, 04/12/2015. During Kharif 2015, in view of the deficit rainfall, many States like Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh are facing drought situation. List of drought affected districts is at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on compensation for losses incurred by farmers, 04/12/2015. Details of cropped areas affected due to listed natural calamities including floods/ landslides/earthquake/ cloudburst/cyclonic storm and drought etc. during 2015-16 is at Annexure-I
