Question raised in Rajya Sabha on compensation for damage to crops, 04/12/2015. Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare is concerned with coordination of relief measures necessitated by drought, hailstorm, pest attack, cold wave/frost. The details of financial assistance approved State-wise by the Government of India from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) from 2010-11 and onwards is at Annexure-I. Distribution of relief to the farmers is the responsibility of the State Governments.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on cancer cases, 04/12/2015. The estimated number of cancer patients along with the number of cancer cases and attributable deaths reported in
the country during the last three years and the current year, state /UT wise are at Annexure 1 & 2. Details of funds released under NPCDCS and Tertiary Care for Cancer scheme
during the last three years and current year is at Annex 3 and 4.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Adulteration of Food Items, 04/12/2015. The Government is aware of reports appearing in the media regarding higher presence of chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, toxins in some food items. Based on information made available to the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India by the States/UTs, the details of food sample collected, tested, samples found adulterated/misbranded and action taken during 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15, are at Annexure-I, II and III respectively.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on power generation capacity, 03/12/2015. The State/UT-wise details of Installed Capacity and targets fixed for power generation with actual quantity of power generated from each of the power project during the last three years and current year are at Annex . The generation targets are fixed on year to year basis.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on electrification of villages, 03/12/2015. The details of un-electrified households/villages in the country are placed at Annex-I. For providing electricity to agriculture sector and electrification of un-electrified villages to give electricity access to un-electrified households, during the 12th Plan, projects amounting to Rs. 63,810 crores has been sanctioned so far under DDUGJY including the subsumed Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY). The state-wise amount sanctioned is given at Annex-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on demand and supply of power, 03/12/2015. The State/UT-wise total demand and supply of power in terms of energy and peak in the country and generation during last three years 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 are at Annex-I and Annex-II respectively.The State-wise details of new thermal power plants likely to be commissioned in the country during the remaining period of 12th Plan is at Annex-III.

Three decades after the Bhopal gas lead killed a few thousand people overnight, the struggle continues for its survivors. A number of issues concerning the survivors of the disaster, termed the biggest industrial accident in history, seemed close to resolution this year, but none was resolved.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Pricing of Petroleum Products, 02/12/2015. The total amount of subsidy/under recovery on petroleum products in 2014-15 and 2015-16 (April to September) is given at the Annexure I. The details of taxes being levied by Central Government during last year and current year are given at the Annexure II.

As an inescapable concomitant with the traditional route of economic development, Pakistan has been facing natural resource degradation and pollution problems. The unsavory spectacle of air pollution, water contamination and other macro environmental impacts such as water logging, land degradation and desertification, are on rise. All this, in conjunction with rapid growth in population, have been instrumental to the expanding tentacles of poverty.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Low Immunization Levels of Children in the Country, 01/12/2015. The details of India’s children who are administered the three doses of the Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus (DPT) vaccine State/UTs wise are Annexed.
