Question raised in Lok Sabha on Demand and Supply of Power, 17/11/2016. The details of All India and state-wise annual electricity demand and supply during peaking period and the energy requirement and availability which covers peaking as well as non peaking period in each of the last three years and the current year is given at Annex-I. Government of India has launched a scheme by providing support from Power System Development Fund (PSDF) for stranded gas based generation.

The Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas Statistics presents updated comprehensive statistics on various aspects of Indian Petroleum & Natural Gas sector. The data on international developments in respect of the key parameters of Petroleum and Natural Gas sector have also been captured in the publication. The Statistics presented in the current publication cover the exploration, production, refining, marketing activities, etc. of Oil and Gas sector.

The Directorate of Economics and Statistics collates and analyses data on various aspects of Indian agriculture with view to assist in policy formulation. Its annual publication Agricultural Statistics at a Glance contains time series statistics on a wide range of parameters, such as production and productivity of various crops across state, price support and procurement, land-use, input use, international trade, credit and insurance. This issue of the publication brings out the latest available statistics on these aspects.

Provisional Coal Statistics 2015-16 is the latest Statistical Report on Coal in India based on the data received from various Indian coal companies. As the data provided here are based on pre -audited reports of the companies for the year 2015-16, the coal statistics has been termed as provisional. However, to provide a glimpse of the variation between the provisional statistics and the final one, present below the corresponding figures for last five years along with the provisional figures for 2015-16.

Environment related crimes in the country came down by over 11% last year compared to 2014 but there was no decline in states like Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Assam where the number of such violations increased over the past year. According to data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the number of green crimes in 2015 came down to 5,156 from 5,835 in 2014. Rajasthan contributed in large measure to the decrease with the number of green violations coming down substantially from 2,927 in 2014 to 2,074 last year.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Safe Drinking Water, 11/08/2016. As per information provided by States / UTs on online portal Integrated Management Information System (IMIS) of the Ministry, there are total 17,14,528 rural habitations in the country. Out of them; 13,09,567 rural habitations are fully covered (getting 40 litres per capita per day (lpcd) or more potable drinking water);

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Prevention of Floods, 11/08/2016. Floods are a natural calamity that India faces almost every year, in varying degrees of magnitude. The frequent occurrence of floods can be attributed to various factors, including wide variations in rainfall both in time and space with frequent departures from the normal pattern, inadequate carrying capacities of rivers, river bank erosion and silting of river beds, landslides, poor natural drainage in flood prone areas, snowmelt and glacial lake out bursts.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Drinking Water and Sanitation Schemes, 11/08/2016. As per the information entered by the States on the Integrated Information Management System (IMIS) of the Ministry, as on 07.08.2016, there are 57,489 ongoing schemes in different States of the Country to provide drinking water to the rural population in the country. The details are given in Annexure. In
Jammu & Kashmir there are 1838 ongoing rural drinking water supply schemes.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Drinking Water and Sanitation Projects, 11/08/2016. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) {SBM(G)}, the programmatic projects are sanctioned district-wise. Currently, 650 district sanitation projects have been sanctioned and under implementation. 43 districts projects have been received and sanctioned during last 3 years and current year. The State/UT wise details is at Annexure - I. No project is pending under SBM (G). The State-wise details of funds released to the States under NRDWP are at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Power Generation, 11/08/2016. The details of various power projects commissioned during the last two years and the current year, along with the quantum of electricity generated thereof is given at Annex. The electricity generation in the country increased to 391,163.27 Million Units (MUs) during the year 2016-17 (April, 2016 to July, 2016) from 365,146.09 MUs during 2015-16 (April, 2015 to July, 2015), thus registering a growth of 7.13%.
