The rural health care infrastructure in the country is not sufficient to meet the current population norm, according to Rural Health Statistics 2014-15 released by the government. The figures of rural health infrastructure in tribal areas indicate that there is a shortfall of 6,796 sub-centers, 1,267 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and 309 Community Health Centres (CHCs). While the sub-centres, PHCs and CHCs in rural areas have increased in number in 2014-15, the current numbers are not sufficient to meet their population norm, the report says.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Projects pending for environmental clearance, 13/08/2015. The number of the projects under consideration for Environmental Clearance in the Ministry are 475. Out of which 103 are public and 372 are private sector. The details of the same sector-wise is at Annexure-1.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Latest census of tigers, 13/08/2015. The assessment of the status of tigers, co-predators and their prey 2014 using the refined methodology has shown a countrywide 30% increase in tiger numbers with an estimated number of 2226 (range 1945-2491) as compared to 2010 estimation of 1706 (range 1520-1909 tigers). The details of tiger estimation pertaining to tiger landscapes in the country for the years 2010 and 2014 are at Annexure-I.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Human-wildlife conflict in country, 13/08/2015. Incidences of human-wildlife conflict are reported in various parts of the country from time to time. As the management of forest and wildlife is the responsibility of State/Union Territory Governments, studies on human-wildlife conflict has not been undertaken at the national level. Whereas, various organizations/institutes undertake studies on human-wildlife conflict of diverse nature in different States/regions.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Forest land area diverted for development projects, 13/08/2015. During last five years and current year, the Central Government has accorded approvals over 1,84,393 ha of forest land in 7,716 cases for various developmental activities including developmental activities in urban areas. State wise details of approvals granted by the Central Government for use of forest land for such activities is given at Annexure-I. In terms of the State CAMPA Guidelines as approved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in IA No.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Diversion of forest land in urban areas, 13/08/2015. Section-2 of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 inter-alia provides that notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force in a State, no State Government or other authority shall make, except with the prior approval of the Central Government, any order directing that any forest land or any portion thereof may be used for any non-forest purpose.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on solid and liquid waste management, 13/08/2015. Swachh Bharat Mission has been launched from 2.10.2014. Under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) SBM-G, there is a provision of assistance of up to Rs. 7/12/15/20 lakh for Gram Panchayats with 150/300/500/more than 500 households. Under SBM-G, component-wise funds are not released. However, State/UT-wise funds released under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyaan (NBA-sanitation programme prior to SBM-G)/SBM (G) during the last 3 years and the current year is at Annexure-1.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on artificial recharge to ground water, 13/08/2015. Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) has prepared a conceptual document entitled “Master Plan for Artificial Recharge to Ground Water in India” during the year 2013, which envisages construction of 1.11 crore rain water harvesting and artificial recharge structures in the Country, at an estimated cost of Rs. 79,178 crores to harness 85 BCM (Billion Cubic Metre) of water, in an area of 9,41,541 by harnessing surplus monsoon runoff to augment ground water resources.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on construction/renovation of dams, 13/08/2015. Central water Commission (CWC) under this ministry maintains ‘National Register of Large Dams (NRLD)’. As per NRLD, there are 4857 completed and 314 under construction large dams in the country. The state-wise/river-wise list of large dams completed and under construction is at Annexure-I & II respectively.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on illegal mining, 12/08/2015. As per section 23C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) (MMDR) Act, 1957, State Governments have been empowered to frame rules for regulating and controlling illegal mining. As such, regulation and control of illegal mining comes under the legislative and administrative jurisdiction of State Governments.
