Asthma incidences can be reduced by controlling air pollution

The dust mite too poses an exacerbate asthma

A hundred medicines, a dozen therapies but no cure, that is the story of asthma treatment world wide. Complementary medicine fill the vacuum

Asthma control regime Step 1: Symptoms occuring less than once a week Clinical features before treatment Daily medication required to maintain

Best treatment is reserved only for the rich. The poor have to make do with ineffective substitutes

A family in Hyderabad uses a unique therapy to treat thousands of patients

Several reports from large metropolitan cities have indicated significant association between acute morbidity and mortality from cardio-respiratory disorders and daily levels of major pollutants in the ambient air.

This study was undertaken to access the residue of commonly used pesticides viz Cypermethrin, Methamedophos, Monocrotophos, Cyfluthrin, Dialdrin and Methyl Parathian respectively in three varieties of mano being collected from the grower fields in Multan division.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of tamarind (Tamarindus indicus) ingestion on excretion of fluoride in school children.

Original Source

An estimate of the global emission of mercury from anthropogenicsources in 1995 has been prepared. Major emphasis is placed onemissions from stationary combustion sources, non-ferrous metalproduction, pig iron and steel production, cement production andwaste disposal. About three quarters of the total emission,estimated to be about 1900 tonnes, was from combustion of fuels, particularly coal combustion in China, India, and South and NorthKorea. In general, the Asian countries contribute about 56% to the global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.
