Two-stroke technology has seen improvements. But is it stretched to its limits? Public pressure against pollution is growing. Governments are responding with tighter emission standards. Even contemplating bans. But these still ply on the roads. What w

Asian consumers are penalised for failing emission checks. Producers go scot free. Taiwan is the exception

How are Asian countries dealing with their growing fleet of old two and three wheelers?

Who wants to buy a scooter that"s priced as high as a limousine? The auto industry can choose to make costly changes to the conventional technology to make it clean. And tinkering with engines has a price. A cheaper option may lie in leapfrogging to alt

Ironically, Indian scooter manufacturers keep the Chinese at bay using strict emission norms. With WTO rules in place, domestic emission norms are vital in shaping the highly competitive market. Environment is both an opportunity and a threat, find the au

Chairperson and managing director
Bajaj Auto Limited

Asthma, the bane of modern life, stalks the young ones and the affluent. It will strike 32 million people in India by 2010. The silent strangler has a propensity to waylay its victims, striking with stealth. An analysis into what triggers the killer which

A unique festival epitomises efforts for conservation of Assam rainforests which have been lying in a state of neglect for decades

Researchers in Gujarat use rural expertise to predict weather when modern methods fail to make accurate forecast

Lack of enthusiasm marks the preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
