The climate change negotiations have come to a halt over the issue of sinks. Neelam Singh discusses the associated complications

The science governing the complex issue of sinks is quite simple. Any system that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is a sink. The oceans and terrestrial ecosystems like vegetation and soils

Three eminent scientists express their opinion on the relevance of lulucf activities to developing countries

Northern companies are eyeing cheap land in developing countries for carbon profits

Certain provisions in the Kyoto Protocol could very well negate the very objectives that it seeks to achieve

Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could change forest behaviour

Gujarat is paying a heavy price for a calamity that is by far the biggest government made disaster since Independence. As the state crawls out from a landscape of debris, it appears as the most imposing symbol of a system that is in comatose, though not d

D eath and earthquakes do not come by appointment. However, an earth

A deadly nexus between government officials and builders reduce most of Gujarat s homes to rubbles

Seismologists explain the anatomy of an earthquake in five stages. Every stage has its signature and close monitoring can give early signals of an impending earthquake
