The environment ministry is in trouble in the Andaman and Nicobar islands, where it has violated timber extraction limits.

To reduce pollution levels, it is becoming necessary to upgrade conventionally designed, two-stroke two- and three-wheeler engines with cleaner four-stroke ones.

Fourteen years after Germany scored a worldwide first by adopting eco labelling, there still remain doubts about selection and evaluation procedures used in the system.

SOCIETY FOR PARTICICPATORY RESEARCH IN ASIA 42,Tughlakabad Institutional Area New Delhi 110062 INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH CENTRE Mahatima Ganshi Marg P B No 80 Lucknow

Developing countries immunised 80 per cent of their children by 1990 and saved millions of lives. But 35,000 children, under five years of age, still die every day all over the world, because of malnutrition.

Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in treating this old age disease, with the discovery that abnormal production of proteins, called amyloids, causes nerve cell degeneration.

M D NANJUNDASWAMY'S thin, frail frame is most deceptive for a man who is considered the leader of the most vocal faction of the Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha. Nanjundaswamy is a professor of law, but for the last 15 years, he has been organising farmers'

Britain and USA have followed hard on the heels of the German eco angel, but, unfortunately, most such schemes continue to remain "green froth".

Rich in flora and fauna, rain forests are nevertheless ecologically fragile. Their loss due to human depredation could result in environmental degradation and climatic change on a scale never experienced before.

Women quarry workers in Tamil Nadu's Pudukkottai district have formed cooperatives and are managing the same granite quarries where they once worked as bonded labour.
