Plants normally have only bisexual flowers. Some species, however, also produce male flowers to make the dispersal of pollen more efficient.

YUGOSLAV engineers are working desperately to ease the pressure on a damaged dam in Montenegro, to prevent the release of millions of tonnes of toxic mining sludge into the Danube and

HELPLESS against the degradation of forests, the Assam forest departwent is enlisting "people's cooperation" against encroachers, poachers and political extremists. The department has set up

SCIENTISTS have enhanced the nutritional value of the potato by inserting a synthetic gene into the plant and are now considering how to use genetic engineering to provide the plant with

A UNICEF report, The State of the World's Children 1993, which has been adopted by 150 countries including India, says US$ 25 billion is the annual cost of ending malnutrition, preventable diseases

Scientists think an upsurge of land may have brought two rivers together to form what is today the Cauvery.

Little was achived at the December climate meeting in Geneva by way of setting schedules for future sessions,mainly because of stalling tactics by OPEC countries.

In 1992, the world moved several steps towards globalisation. But little attention was paid to the sharp economic, social and cultural divides. The rich world, troubled by recession, did not show much courage in dealing with them as it, too, began to feel

The announcement that more cement factories will be set up in the state has unleashed a controversy. Units already operational have not controlled emissions and it is feared more plants will further degrade the environment and adversely affect tourism.

Researchers are trying to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the manufacture of cement by finding alternatives to limestone
