PEOPLE confined to wheelchairs will be able to reach for anything stored on the topmost shelves because a wheelchair has been developed in USA that can be raised a couple of metres without loss
DID YOU know the total UN budget for 1992 was just US $5.2 billion? That's less than the cost of two Stealth bombers, but still enough to pay for all the UN programmes to care for children, feed
A significant provision for forests in this year's Union budget may turn out to be a case of missing the forest for the trees. Motivated by a desire to "protect the environment and to save wood,"
FARMERS are exploiting a loophole in the European Community's new common agricultural policy, which grants them crop subsidies to leave their land fallow so as to reduce oilseed production.
RESIDENTs of oil-rich Rivers State in Nigeria are protesting the environmental impact of years of oil exploration. "Oil spills and blowouts have made our farmlands infertile, polluted our
It's a scam with a difference. Khem Singh Gill, vice-chancellor of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana, and a noted wheat-breeder himself, is the target of allegations that PBW 34, a
UNCONTROLLED commercial exploitation is threatening the extinction of about 50 Indian orchid species, including such popular ones as jewel orchids and lady slipper orchids (Current Science, Vol
"We're not to blame," chemical traders plead righteously when asked about the delay in relocating hazardous chemical units from capital's highly congested 'Walled City' to safer areas. They point
VARIOUS studies indicate that the risk of contracting AIDS during receiving or providing dental treatment is negligible because in the past decade worldwide, only 5 patients -- and all from a
The Kerala government decided constructing the Ambalur-Keecheri dam in Ernakulam district would remedy the decline in paddy production. Instead, the dam has accelerated damage to the crop. The