A devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, severe convective storms (SCS) and large-scale urban floods were the main events driving insured natural catastrophe losses to USD 108 billion in 2023, reaffirming the 5–7% annual growth trend in global insured natural catastrophe losses since 1994.

India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend on subnational governments.

India remains poised to take advantage of its demographic dividend with strong improvements in education levels, which are a key determinant of accessing better quality jobs. At the same time, youth’s aspirations are evolving, which needs to be matched with the type of employment available in the labour market.

As India’s clean energy transition gathers pace, declining revenue from fossil fuels could disproportionately affect its coal-producing states. At the same time, state governments that depend on fossil fuel revenue will face increased budgetary pressures to ensure an equitable and just transition.

This Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) examines Liberia’s development trajectory through the lens of the country’s vulnerability to climate change.

In 2024, all countries will be updating and submitting their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). These national climate plans outline commitments towards tackling climate change. These plans impact all walks of life and must therefore be inclusive of the whole of society.

The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has finally issued a draft notification demarcating area from 1 km to 2.035 km around the Sukhna Wildlife Sanctuary as an eco-sensitive zone (ESZ) on the Haryana side in Panchkula district.

Climate change poses a significant risk to global food security. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and shifting precipitation patterns impact food production, disrupting food supply chains, increasing food prices, and diminishing food safety.

This book contains 11 chapters covering various essential aspects of spring-shed management like database assessment, standard definitions and classifications, mapping methodologies, discharge measurement techniques, holistic management strategies, water quality protocols, environmental isotopes' use, tailored guidelines, discharge indexes, proj

Are current fiscal approaches and policies aligned with national strategies, including ensuring that mineral-rich developing countries collect an appropriate share of the financial benefits from critical minerals value chains? If not, what needs to change?
