This paper contributes to research on building climate risks resilience through early warning systems to identify hidden trends and emerging technologies that can support practitioners in the design of EWS. This review aims to contribute toward benefiting climate-sensitive sectors and helping managers with climate risk adaptation strategies.

In a significant development, the Ministry of Mines has recently amended the Offshore Areas Mineral (Development & Regulation) Act, 2002 [OAMMR Act], effective from August 17, 2023.

The Ministry of Mines has proposed changes to the Mineral (Auction) Rules, 2015, to cap the amount of performance security and upfront payments payable after winning the rights to extract minerals. The move addresses concerns regarding financial barriers the might impede bidder participation in auctions of critical minerals.

Off-grid electricity production from renewables, although largely unrecorded in most countries, is believed to be expanding rapidly. By combining information from surveys, administrative data and desk research, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has attempted to illuminate major trends in off-grid renewable energy deployment.

This report examines the risk of climate-related impact on nature-based value chains in four arid and semi-arid counties in Kenya, where the intersection of climate-related hazard and vulnerability of pastoral communities and natural systems necessitates a shift from resilience to adaptation.

This report was written to catalyse change across the climate adaptation, disaster risk management, and humanitarian sectors to focus on the most vulnerable and excluded, who are least responsible, but most affected by the climate crisis.

Ground Water Year Book is prepared annually by CGWB depicting changes in groundwater regime of the country through different seasons. It is an effort to obtain information on groundwater levels through representative monitoring wells. The important attributes of groundwater regime monitoring are groundwater level.

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) on December 21, 2023, issued the Wild Life (Protection) International Trade of Specimen Rules, 2023. The following has been stated : The application for the trade of specimens has been mentioned. The procedure of export, import, and re-export of specimens has been stated.

India’s policymakers have recognised the importance of energy storage systems (ESS) to the country’s evolving power landscape and have already awarded more than 8 gigawatts (GW) of such tenders, allocating 60% of these in 2023 alone, according to this new joint report by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) and JMK R

Sanitation and wastewater treatment are key elements for global human health and aquatic biodiversity. Scenarios showed an improvement of sanitation but unimproved sanitation will not disappear before 2070. Wastewater treatment will also improve but not in all regions of the world.
