An Act to provide for the establishment, development and management of the Special Economic Zones for the promotion of exports and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This act extends to the whole of India.

The very high prices of vanilla over the past few years have stimulated interest in this small-holder crop. Naturally, this has led to an increase in plantings in the traditional supply areas and in new origins. However, the subsequent sharp fall in demand, and the simultaneous collapse of prices, from over $500/kg to under $50/kg, has left the sector in turmoil; euphoria

Climate change poses a major risk to the global economy: It affects the wealth of societies, the availability of resources, the price of energy and the value of companies. The financial industry has a two-fold responsibility. On the one hand, it needs to prepare itself for the negative effects that climate change may have on its business and on its customers. On the other hand, it can significantly help mitigate the economic risks and enter the low-carbon economy by providing appropriate products and services.

The purpose of the project activity is to set up 5,500 biogas plants (digesters) of 2m3 capacity each for single households. Each household will utilize the dung of its cows to feed the digester for the production of biogas for cooking purpose and heating of hot water. The aim of the project is to replace the

Jeevan Rekha Parishad a local environment NGO in India came to know of the exploitation of child labor in the stone crushers, iron ore and granite mines of Khurda and Badbil region of Orissa and of their inhuman conditions of life. As this is a serious

The main objective of this study can be asserted as to assess the probable impacts, which are likely to be happened due to the operation of proposed Tipaimukh Hydro Electric Dam (Multipurpose) Project of India by storing, regulating, withdrawal or diversion of the Barak River flow on the northeast region of Bangladesh.

Child labour are working in very large and alarming numbers in the iron-ore and granite mines of Hospet-Bellary region of Karnataka state in direct violation of the constitutional rights of children. Most of the children are migrant labourers.

M/s. Sterlite Industries (India) Limited (SIIL), a public limited company, is the flagship company of the Sterlite Group. The proposed project will bring an investment of Rs. 4500 crores to the state of Orissa where the per capita income is about half of the national level. The Lanjigarh bauxite deposit falls in Rayagada and Kalahandi districts of Orissa.

Minutes of the nineteenth meeting of the Task Force - set up in compliance with the Orders of the High Court of Madhya Pradesh at Jabalpur.

WWF sees the impacts of climate change on glaciers and its subsequent impact on freshwater as a major issue, not just in the national context but also at a regional, transboundary level. The WWF offices in Nepal, India and China are taking the initiative to develop a regional collaboration to tackle climate change impacts in the glacial ecosystem and address adaptation
