Human-wildlife conflict is an issue of pressing conservation concern, particularly when it involves threatened species, and accurately identifying the causes of such conflict is

The terms of reference of the National Commission on Macroeconomics & Health, included among others, a critical appraisal of the present health system — both in the public and the private sector — and suggesting ways and means of further strengthening it with the specific objective of improving access to a minimum set of essential health int

The standard prescribes the requirements, test methods and sampling procedure for ascertaining the suitability of water for drinking purpose.

India's economic growth is mainly based on energy from fossil fuels like coal and therefore
has considerable potential in reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well in CDM
participation. CDM projects starting after January 1, 2000, are eligible to earn certified emission reductions (CERs). However the modalities and procedures of the CDM may be too complex to exploit its full benefit. This guidebook will provide a roadmap to the project developers and investors for realizing the full benefit of CDM within the allotted time frame.

Coalfires, both underground and on the surface, are a serious problem in most major coal-producing countries of the Asia-Pacific region including China, India and Indonesia. Australia also experiences similar problems but on a somewhat smaller scale. Coal fires produce large quantities of CO2 along with several other noxious gases such as carbon monoxide, oxides of sulphur and methane. It has been noted that greenhouse gas emissions from coalfires are significant enough to create a global impact.

Vedanta aims to develop and manage a diverse portfolio of mining and metals businesses to provide attractive returns to the shareholders whilst carrying out the activities in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and creating value for the communities. This report attempts to highlights the contribution to
sustainable development by the managed operations, focusing on the performance in the areas of safety, health, environment and community development.

The State/Union Territory Forest Produce (Ownership of Forest Dependent Community) Act, 2005, which seeks to endow rights to minor forest produce to the forest dwellers, including tribals.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Water Resources deals with the action taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in their First Report on Demands for Grants(2004-05) of the Ministry of Water Resources which was presented to Lok Sabha on 23 August 2004.

Transit vehicles, which use Delhi roads but have no business in Delhi, pose a serious management challenge. Transit vehicles pose a serious problem, as there is a wide divergence between the emission regulations enforced in Delhi and outside the city. While Delhi adheres to Euro II standards, cities neighbouring Delhi mostly adhere to Euro I standards.

