The commissioned capacity of grid connected solar power plants in India as on 14th January, 2016 is 5129.813 MW. Several States have taken initiatives following the Central Government and framed Solar Policies, to support setting up solar power projects, which had an impact of lowering levelized solar tariff.

About 30% of India’s population (77 million households or around 360 million people) lack adequate access to electricity. Most have to rely on expensive and dirty kerosene lamps for lighting.

Government of India (GoI) has set an ambitious goal of providing uninterrupted power for all homes, industrial and commercial establishments and adequate power for farmers by 2022 through its “24X7 Power for All program”. GoI wants a growing share of the country’s electricity to come from renewable energy.

According to the new policy, electricity consumers of HPSEBL shall be eligible to install minimum 1 KW to maximum 5 MW capacity solar PV plants on their building roof top or its premises, which will be connected to grid with bidirectional meters, where in consumer will use solar generation for his consumption and only the drawl from grid to meet

Maharashtra State Cabinet cleared the solar off-grid policy on Monday which aims to save at least 500 megawatts (MW) in the next five years.

A narrow focus on cost alone may be leading to misconceptions about the real value of energy storage according to a new report by the World Energy Council ‘E-storage – shifting from cost to value’.

The off-grid renewable energy policy, which is due to be placed before the state cabinet soon, is also looking at promoting steam-based solar cooking systems in community buildings like jails, hosp

One of India’s major advantages today and going forward is that its renewable energy (RE) potential is vast and largely untapped. Recent estimates show that India’s solar potential is greater than 750 GW and its announced wind potential is 302 GW (actual could be higher than 1000 GW).

This paper analyzes the success of the solar home system program in Bangladesh, which today provides clean, reliable electricity to more than 16 million rural households in off-grid areas.

The Union Cabinet, chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Wednesday gave ex-post facto approval for signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between India and the United Kingdom and Nort
