The business case for off-grid renewables as a means to expand rural electricity access keeps growing stronger, thanks to steady cost reductions and technological innovation.

Developing countries have made unprecedented pledges to consume more clean energy tomorrow even as they are leading the way today with record new wind and solar project completions, the latest edition of Climatescope concludes.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Electrification of Villages, 15/12/2016. The electrification of all the Un Electrified Villages (UEVs) across the country is being carried out in a mission mode. State-wise DPRs/proposals for the DDG projects sanctioned is given at Annexure-1 and no proposal is pending. State-wise details of funds sanctioned and amount released during the last 3 years is given at Annexure- 2.

This briefing note examines the potential for mini-grids to complement grid-based electrification in southern Africa, and the conditions needed to support their successful development. Southern Africa faces a number of severe energy pressures.

This briefing note examines the potential for mini-grids to complement grid-based electrification in southern Africa, and the conditions needed to support their successful development. Southern Africa faces a number of severe energy pressures.

GGGI launched an Insight Brief titled ‘Mind the Gap: Bridging the Climate Financing Gap with Innovative Financial Mechanisms’. This report aims to advance the public sector’s understanding of innovative financial mechanisms by examining their function, characteristics, and use.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Subsidy for Power Generation, 24/11/2016. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provides incentives/subsidy/central financial assistance to the producers and consumers for power generation from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources under various Renewable Energy Programmes as per details given in Annexure.

As the EU Commission prepares to release a review of the EU Renewable Energy Directive and Market Design Initiative in late November 2016, this RE100 report, prepared by E3G, calls on policy makers to ensure that measures are put in place that would give companies easier access to renewable power in Europe - providing greater control over energy

India’s energy system faces the triple challenge of meeting growing demand, cutting pollution and offering more than 300m people not connected to the power grid access to modern energy.

India’s energy system faces the triple challenge of meeting growing demand, cutting pollution and offering more than 300m people not connected to the power grid access to modern energy.
