This paper looks at two interfacing trends shaping devolution of forest management in India: appropriation of space for forest management by diverse self-initiated community formations at the grass roots level despite state seizure of forests; and state-driven devolution where government policies define the scope of local authority in forest management.

This report provides detailed data of the seventeenth livestock census. It consists of twenty-nine sub reoirts i.e. one all India, twenty eight state reports and one report covering all UTs. Each report provides corresponding data of livestock, poultry, fishery and agricultural implements further divided into rural/urban and total.

Andaman and Nicobar Islands are one of the most diverse but fragile Island landscapes where developmental activities have caused serious implications, resulting in loss of habitat and subsequent extinction of species.

During the last two decades of the previous century, the magnitude of forced population displacements caused by development programs was on the order of 10 million people each year, or some 200 million people globally during that period. Thus, by their frequency, size, ad the dire consequences, development-cased displacements have become a problem of worldwide proportions.

This report examines new problems that have croppped up as a result of the unprecedented expansion in the scale of the CNG programme in Delhi. It pays special attention to inspection and safety norms, and includes various compliance procedures, institutional changes and training requirements to mitigate current and future safety problems. This report evaluates how Delhi, which has the world's largest CNG city bus fleet with 7,100 buses, is meeting the challenge of large-scale deployment of a new technology.

Fish curry and rice is designed to teach, to provoke and to stimulate people--young and old--not just to discover the astonishing beautives of Goa's diverse ecosystems, but to delight in its life-style as well.

Forest management in India has undergone a sea change as regards the focus of mandate for managing the forests is concerned. This manual is a pioneer attempt in India as regards training of C&I for SFM is concerned.

This atlas provides a comprehensive picture on the distribution of 418 tribal communities all over India. In addition, a brief account of major tribes of the states or union territories has been discussed highlighting their major concentration, language spoken them, social organisation, traditional primary occupation, religion and education.

Biodiversity characterisation at landcape level was carried out using Indian remote sensing satellite data in North Eastern region of India. This study presents the results of the project undertaken to build a national database on biodiversity at landscape level. This is important in order to check the alarming biodiversity loss currently taking place in this part of the country.

Biodiversity characterisation at landscape level has been carried out using Indian remote sensing satellite data in Western himalayas of India. This study presents the results of the project undertaken to build national database on biodiversity at landscape level.
