This research initiative in Arunachal Pradesh is a build-up on the first phase of studies in the north-east that led to the publication of an earlier UNESO-sponsored MAB book series, entitled "shifting agriculture and sustainable development: an interdisciplinary study from North-East India". Emphasising upon linking knowledge systems, this volume expands up on a community participatory developmental paradigm based on hybrid technology interventions for ecological conservation linked with development of the region.

This publication takes a broad look at several dimensions of carbon trading. It analyses the problems arising from the emerging global carbon market pertaining to the environment, social justice and human rights, and investigates climate mitigation alternatives. It provides a short history of carbon trading and discusses a number of lessons learned. Nine case studies from different parts of the world provide examples of the outcomes -- on the ground -- of various carbon offset schemes.

This book explores two principal contradictions in environmental politics in India--between conservation and large-scale development projects, and between short-term electoral politics and long-term imperatives of environmental conservation. The Great Himalayan National Park (GHNP) in Himachal Pradesh, north-western India, is home to the western Tragopan--an endangered pheasant. It shares its habitat with the local population living on the park's fringes. This book demonstrates that both conservation and development are inter-related and inherently political.

"The way of the Tiger" is an outstanding primer; it is a scientist's explanation - to a popular audience - of the natural history and conservation of one of the planet's most charismatic animals.

This book gives a brief outline of the general principles governing the occurrence of groundwater in a predominantly hard-rock terrain of Karnataka and indicates the extent of this resource. It is intended to serve as an introduction to groundwater hydrology of the State and be of assistance to all those who are concerned and interested with the evaluation, planning and development of groundwater resources. Emphasis is laid on the importance of conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources to meet the growing demand for water in the years to come.

India Development Foundation funded by the British High Commission, carried out this study on challenges to investments and trade in five sectors of agri-business in India - dairy, horticulture, oilseeds, wheat milling, and poultry. This report attempts at answering some questions and showcases some successful cases where players in select sectors have met with success.

Gujarat state has the longest coastline and stands second in mangrove area coverage among all the states of the country. Moreover, recent incidents of tsunami has strengthened the importance of mangroves as a shelterbelt which reduce the impact. This publication provides the insight into the history of mangrove forests, their present status as well as various legal frame works for protection and will help in devising the course of action for future management.

The present book on rainwater harvesting, is the perfect guide where detailed plans for adopting very economical rain water harvesting schemes for houses of different types is given.

Global environmental change (GEC) is among the most severe challenges facing mankind today. It is a suite of environmental change problems, climate change being the most studied of all. Global environment includes physical, chemical, and biological processes that are necessary for life-supporting services on the earth. No studies on a single environmental component will be meaningful for GEC, if viewed in isolation. It is the feedback between various components that assumes greater importance for GEC and, hence, the term GEC involves changes in various components of the environment.

With globalization fast becoming an irreversible process, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the implications for environmental sustainability. However, the so-called environmental Kuznets curve argument implies that rapid economic growth in many developing countries should be environmentally unsustainable. Environmental Sustainability addresses this dichotomy and articulates a notion of consumption sustainability that is both universal and pertains to the indefinite future.
