In 2011, the World Bank initiated the Partnership for Sustainable Cities, a group of leading urban actors with a mission to collaborate on city development around the world and foster city-led sustainable development. This synthesis paper, Building Sustainability in an Urbanizing World, is a product of the partnership’s early discussions.

This report presents a framework, the Urban Risk Assessment (URA), for assessing disaster and climate risk in cities. It is intended to assist in decision making, urban planning, and designing risk management programs.

This new report by World Bank on the state of municipal solid waste (MSW) around the world predicts a sharp rise in the amount of garbage generated by urban residents between now & 2025. It offers consolidated data on MSW generation, collection, and disposal by country & by region.

Cities are blamed for the majority of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. So too are more affluent, highly urbanized countries. If all production- and consumption-based emissions that result from lifestyle and purchasing habits are included, urban residents and their associated affluence likely account for more than 80 per cent of the world’s GHG emissions. Attribution of GHG emissions should be refined. Apportioning responsibility can be misguided, as recent literature demonstrates that residents of denser city centres can emit half the GHG emissions of their suburban neighbours.