Achieving food security is of utter importance in any nation. However, food insecurity still exists in many developing countries, with Asia home to almost 65% of the world’s undernourished. This calls for urgent action. Studies that examine differences in food security performance among Asian countries are sparse.

Urban road infrastructure is crucial in determining air pollution. Yet, little is known about the roles played by road width vs. road length. This paper attempts to fill this gap by estimating the effects of road infrastructure on 10-micron particulate matter (PM10) using city-level data from the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

This paper updates poverty estimates for Asia and the Pacific from 2005 to 2008. It is found that those living below the $1.25 poverty line decreased from 903.4 million to 753.5 million and those below the $2 poverty line from 1.8 billion to1.63 billion. However, Asia and the Pacific region remains home to the majority of the global poor.

This report traces the causes of poverty in Sri Lanka and provides policy recommendations, especially for areas of conflict. It argues that agriculture suffers from low productivity and competitiveness.

This paper focuses on the trade potential of China and India and assesses the impacts of their export growth on each other as well as on their major trade partners. The analysis reveals that the export structure of China is changing with the export shares of skill intensive and medium to high-technology products increasing and those of labourintensive products decreasing.