This paper explores the potential role of spatial planning in support of more coherent governance of water resources. Water resources throughout the continuum from land to the coast are being degraded with impacts on life supporting ecosystems, including the high seas.

This report focuses on water, an increasingly strategic resource in the Central Asian region for economic and social development. Says that the region as a whole is relatively well endowed in water resources but lacks good national and regional management frameworks. There are significant

This study reviews the current status of medium to larger scale artificial water storage development with a focus on Africa. It assesses best practices in water storage development and management infrastructure for building sustainable livelihoods and mitigate climate change.

The policy assessment findings that emerge from the report intends to deliver a strategic summary of the current policy frameworks on water resources and climate change among major donor organizations (DANIDA, DFID, DGIS, GTZ, SDS, and USAID) and indicate areas that could be strengthened and/or gaps to fill in these two policy areas.

Transboundary waters are rising on the international agenda. As the forces of climate change, population shifts, and economic stress converge on water scarce countries, the issues of shared freshwater resources move from long term concern to geopolitical urgency. For many nations, transboundary water is becoming essential water.