Kolkata will shortly be included in the prestigious C40 group of megacities, which is committed to address climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

KOLKATA: When the power tariff is touching the roof, it is time to go solar.

The city has turned blue and white and beautified boulevards make it look green on the surface. But the picture is not so rosy underneath.

KOLKATA: Hacking of full-grown trees without compensatory plantation has been the order of the day in the city.

If you are tired of servicing you water purifier at home and thinking of switching over to 20 litre packaged drinking water for once and all, it's time you give it a re-think.

It's a known fact that depleting green cover and rapid increase in vehicular traffic are taking a toll on the city's ambient air quality. But how serious is the damage?

A silent yet significant evolution has taken place in the Sunderbans in last two decades.

Loss Of Wetlands And Greenery Turns Kolkata Into A Heat Chamber; City Hotter Than Suburbs By Up To 4 Degrees
