Rich countries must stop lecturing developing countries and accelerate their own efforts to cut emissions.

How should the scale and the nature of the immense risks appear to face from unmanaged climate change influence the way frame both the economics and the approaches to the values or ethics which bring to the policy analysis?

This paper sets out an assessment of the latest targets and intended actions for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, which have been submitted by countries to the Appendices of the Copenhagen Accord.

This paper considers how environmental policies should respond to macroeconomic downturns. It first explores the implications of the global economic downturn of 2008-09 for environmental policies, focusing in particular on the example of action against climate change.

This paper claiming gap to 44Gt emissions in 2020 (associated with a 50/50 2C pathway) is only 2Gt, assuming high end of current pledges.

The commitments made by countries to cut carbon emissions have put the world on the threshold of hitting the target of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees C.

This paper sets out an assessment of the latest national positions regarding emission reduction targets and actions going into the forthcoming negotiations in Copenhagen. These targets and intentions are quantified and translated into global emissions to give an understanding of how close we are to a
possible agreement consistent with keeping temperature increase below 2

This week

This is the lecture presented by Nicholas Stern at Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 15th July 09.

The key themes of this document is on defining challenges for the overcoming world poverty and managing climate change. It looks forward for India's perspective on climate change, global agreement.

This is the lecture presented by Nicholas Stern at Jawaharlal Nehru Lecture on 15th July 09.

This document defines challenges for overcoming the world poverty and managing climate change. It looks forward for India's perspective on climate change and global agreement.
