New Delhi: Close on the heels of the controversy over the climate change chapter in the 12th five year plan, Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia has got into another row on t
New Delhi: Another panel has been set up by the ministry of environment and forests to decide eco-tourism guidelines in core areas and peripheral buffer zones of tiger reserves, and submit a report
New Delhi: Environment minister Jayanthi Natarajan told the National Board of Wildlife meeting on Wednesday that a committee had been set up to review the eco-tourism guidelines.
New Delhi: The Union environment ministry’s eco-tourism guidelines, which promote community-based activities in the core of tiger habitats, could become a collateral victim of hectic lobbying from
New Delhi: The Planning Commission’s attempt to rewrite the international and domestic obligations of the government on climate change in the 12th Five-Year plan (2012-17), with a push for greater
New Delhi: In what could force PM Manmohan Singhto intervene in the raging debate on tiger versus tourism, Valmik Thapar, one of the most prominent tigerwallahs, has demanded that the government’s
New Delhi: The Prime Minister’s Office has denied information on the Bhopal gas tragedy, Dow Chemicals and the London Olympic Games sponsorship issue under the RTI Act on the strange ground that a