Some recent amendments to the Wildlife Protection Act could infuse new life into a fusty act, but there are others that threaten to pull matters back
WTO ruling on EU US spat over GM could impact South
CBD to hold COP 8 in WTO shadow
Elephant management in India just got tougher
Fiscal federalism cramped by compensatory afforestation arrangements
Tribals fight for the right to write their way
Dam tunnel collapse in Arunachal begs explanation
Contested Terrain: Forest Cases in the Supreme Court of India
Durable Disorder, Understanding the Politics of Northeast India New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2005
Promising Picture or Broken Future? Commentary and Recommendations on the Draft National Policy on Tribals of the Government of India
Forfeiting our commons
The Lancet’s Series on Maternal and Child Undernutrition
President Obama's grand climate plan does not add up
Climate change can no longer be ignored
NGO demands withdrawal of Niyamgiri gram sabha notificatio